You can use the link below to make your $200.00 deposit for a puppy with a credit card through paypal. You do not need a paypal account to use this option.This service is for deposit only,please bring cash when you pick up your puppy,Call me at 615-666-5368 before using this link to make sure we still have the puppy you want available.Below is paypal link. <this deposit is for a Toy or TIny Toy, The teacup deposit is higher
Your puppy will come to you already wormed,tails cut,dew claws removed,first shot,or shots depending on age,Puppy pack,akc or ckc papers or both if double reg. and a health guarantee that the puppy is in good health at the time of purchase.You have 72 hours to take your puppy for a vet exam.Should there be a LIFE THREATENING PROBLEM you have the option of trading for another puppy of same value ,or waiting for a replacement puppy,and in some cases there will be a cash refund.We want you to have a very healthy puppy! We Do sell for pet purposes only so testicles are not guaranteed on any puppy.Sometimes they take a year to drop
I do not guarantee for Hypoglycemia , that is caused because the puppy isn't eating enough, or stressed and not eating from long trips or to much handling, Give it some nutracal or karo syrup to see if it helps, I have all these puppies checked by my own vet at 6 to 7 weeks of age,they will be vet checked healthy when they leave here. If you drop your puppy and injure it internally, I do not guarantee for that either. My guarantee is for something genetic that the puppy was born with and maybe my own vet didn't catch.
The AKC only has 3 sizes of poodles,
The standard 15 in and 20 lbs and up
Minature 10 to 15 in and 10 to 20 lb
toy 10 in and under and 10 lbs and under
Velvet Touch teacups(best know teacup poodle breeders) has classifed sizes below
tiny toy 4.5 to 6lbs 8 to 9 in
teacup 4.5 lbs and under,8 in and under
Deposits are nonrefundable!And i do not hold without a deposit
Email me at the above link
Below is a link to a great forum board with lots of grooming tips for your poodle,just do a search for Poodle
Below is a link to a great way to housebreak your new poodle puppy,there are also cheaper versions of this on with lots of reviews for you to read
Below is a link for a product to get rid of tear stains on light colored dogs
Toy Poodle, Toy Poodles, Teacup Poodle, Teacup Poodles, Tiny Toy Poodle, Tiny Toy Poodles,
Tennessee Poodle Breeder, Toy Poodles for sale, Toy Poodle for sale, Teacup Poodle for sale,
Tiny Toy Poodle for sale, Teacup Poodles for sale, Tiny Toy Poodles for sale, Red Toy Poodle,
Red Toy Poodles, White Toy Poodles, Black Toy Poodle, Chocolate Toy Poodles, Silver Toy
Poodles, T-cup Poodle, T-cup Poodles, Poodle, Poodles, Poodle Puppies, Poodle puppy, Toy
Poodle, Toy Poodles, Teacup Poodle, Teacup Poodles, Teacup Poodles for sale, Tiny Toy
Poodles for sale, Parti Poodles, Red Toy Poodles, White Toy Poodles, Black Toy Poodle,
Chocolate Toy Poodles, Silver Toy Poodles, T-cup Poodle, T-cup Poodles, Poodle, Poodles,
Poodle Puppies, Poodle puppy, Party Poodles, Toy Poodle, Toy Poodles, Poodles, Poodles, Toy
I have never shipped a Puppy and i do not SHIP my puppies. I will drive to the nearest interstate(to Me) to meet you if you are coming a long distance.I know i live out in the country in a hard to get to place and i try to help anyway i can. I also have a flight nanny that I trust and have used a couple of times for very long trips,She usually charges $350 for most trips
This is the sizes that the AKC has for Poodles.,down to the toy,the smaller ones(tiny Toy and teacup) are made by breeder's to define smaller sizes.As you can see the Normal Size Toy is really a small dog himself.
Below is a good article about tear stains
You need to neuter you male puppy before the habit of marking his territory is learned, before 6 months. Marking is hormone driven and when neutered it takes away the need to mark.Most people wait to late to neuter and the dog has already learned to mark his territory. Females will also mark there territory when left unspaded.They need to be neutered before the HABIT is formed.
Before you think about getting a teacup baby, this is a good article to read about care
Deposits are $200 to hold until weaned for Toys and Tiny toys. Teacups are higher.
call 615-666-5368
or email me
The link below is to some reuseable puppy pads, i use washable hospital pads, but these are cute
I may have some babies the end of March with Tyrion and Ari. To the the potential parents, go to this page.